Search Results
The saga of a high-energy physics experiment – Public lecture by Dr. Jorge Morfin
MINERvA: I can’t believe we built the whole thing – Public lecture by Dr. Deborah Harris
The unseen universe: Challenges for theory and experiment – Public lecture by Dr. Marcela Carena
Brian Rebel — Experimental High Energy Physics
Richard Keith Ellis - Shaping the future of High-Energy Physics: Theory - Lecture 1/3
Public Lecture Review
How can Fermilab say this with a Straight Face
William D. Phillips' public lecture "Time, Einstein and the Coolest Stuff in the Universe" at VU
High-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics with IceCube - Ignacio Taboada - 01/05/21
Graphic talk about the universe – Public lecture by Dr. Clifford Johnson
AWAKE - creating a path for high energy particle physics
Stars: The Ultimate Laboratory for Modern Physics ▸ Pascale Garaud (UCSC) | KITP Public Lecture